
Six Ways To Promote Positive Mental Well-Being In The Workplace

A workplace that values the mental health of their employees is a workplace that is primed for success.

The promotion of positive mental health in the workplace ensures not only that staff reach their performance goals, but it also creates a supportive workplace where employees feel understood and valued.

Here are six ways to promote positive mental wellbeing in the workplace

1. Encourage a healthy work-life balance

Companies with emotionally healthy staff don’t encourage them to over-work, but instead they ensure that staff can balance their lives by offering a degree of flexibility.

This might mean allowing an employee to start and finish their working day earlier or later to go for a surf or attend a gym session. It could mean promoting working from home occasionally if the role allows. Perhaps a longer lunch for a self-care appointment.

Flexible working doesn’t mean employees assume they can roll into the office as and when they please. It means implementing structured flexibility that works for both sides to encourage productivity and a more positive working environment.

Our final tip to encourage a healthy work-life balance is encouraging downtime when out of the office. Remove the expectation for employees to respond to calls and emails after work and when on holidays.

2. Encourage an open attitude to mental wellbeing

In a nurturing environment, employees will be open to discussing stress, anxiety and other personal issues affecting their mental wellbeing. If a personal issue affects an employee, encourage them to seek professional help.

The quicker they do this, the less likelihood of a prolonged period of recovery. Senior staff will need an understanding of mental wellbeing to make sure employees feel included, safe and able to engage in conversations that may otherwise be deemed difficult.

3. Ensure employees feel valued and that their opinion counts

People need to feel that the work they do is valuable and see how it contributes to broader organisational goals. Employees also need to take ownership of their work by providing ideas and suggestions and seeing that their input is carefully considered. Give credit for successful ideas and regularly share how the team is tracking towards broader organisational goals.

4. Take the initiative in creating a positive environment

In colder climates, low lighting can lead to seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other mood disorders. Make sure workspaces, where possible, have natural light or are decorated in harmonious, light colours. Similarly, make good use of plants for a less artificial feel. Also make sure that all staff feel that they can bring in objects that make them feel happy and create a positive environment for them – be it meaningful photos, personal stationery, or anything that makes staff feel more at home.

5. Education and awareness

Hire a professional to run a short workshop to educate about positive mental wellbeing. Short courses might incorporate mindfulness practice, opportunities for personal development, upskilling, handling stress and anxiety, or career advancement. Mental and physical wellbeing go hand-in-hand. A professional who can discuss healthy eating or the importance of exercise could also assist.

6. Transparency

By sharing the goals and aims of the company and providing feedback, employees will be better involved and not left to speculate. Rumours spread easily in the workplace. If changes are coming, be up-front and reassure people that you will provide all the information as and when they need it. This transparency will stop employees from worrying unnecessarily about the future of their role.

Promoting positive mental wellbeing in the workplace is pivotal to a productive environment.

To find out more about positive mental health in the workplace, contact us today.

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