
Top 10 tips for your next job interview

  1. Dress the right way for the role
    Many businesses are more informal these days, but check with your STEPS Employment Solutions contact or the employer directly during the process how you should dress. If unsure, always dress more formally or neatly. It is better to be overdressed than too casual.
  2. Research a lot
    Look at the company and find out as much as you can about it and if possible the team you would belong to if you got the job. Read the company’s website including its “About Us” section, the vision and mission and really get to understand what matters. Read annual reports, news stories and see if they have a social media presence. If they do, look at the content they are sharing to get a sense of the company. Your effort will show you are focused not just on what you would like from the job, but how you can support the employer’s objectives. You will be seen as proactive and interested and able to demonstrate your knowledge by matching your answers to interview questions with content you remember from the research which matches the employer’s needs.
  3. Arrive early
    Plan to arrive at the job interview 10 to 15 minutes early. Look at parking and travel times in advance and add on about 15 minutes. Be early. Be ridiculously early if necessary, as punctuality is an essential skill to all employers.
  4. Be ready & focus on employer goals
    Be ready with answers about your accomplishments, strengths and weaknesses and how YOU can be the solution to their recruitment need. Remember employers want to achieve a particular goal. With your research, how can you support their mission? It’s all about them. The more effort you put into preparing for the job interview with a few notes written, the more you are likely to succeed, feel comfortable and to impress.
  5. Prepare for typical questions
    Questions like ‘could you tell me about yourself?’ and ‘why would you be well suited for this position?’ are fairly common. Practice your answers with friends or family or your the STEPS Employment Solutions contact.
  6. Let your enthusiasm show!
    Those very first impressions when you walk into a room for an interview make a big impression. Make it count with a good handshake, eye contact and a smile. Practice it home first if this isn’t normal for you.
  7. Be kind to everyone you meet
    Bring your best manners into the job interview situation and assume everyone you meet could affect your chance of getting a job. Take the time to smile and properly greet the receptionist and anyone else at the employer’s place of businesses.
  8. Stay involved and attentive
    The best job interviews are those with active two-way conversations between interviewer and interviewee. At the start of the interview interject your own relevant insights from time to time, just be mindful not to interrupt people when they are speaking. Stay engaged during the job interview too, while maintaining great eye contact. Sit forward in your chair to show you’re listening and be enthusiastic in your speech with high levels of interest in what others are saying.
  9. Ask questions
    From your research earlier, have a few pre-planned questions which can show your interest, aptitude and assertiveness. You may opt to only ask some of them depending on what is discussed at the start of the interview. It also allows you to properly understand the employer’s objectives and whether you feel comfortable to work there.
  10. Know your strengths
    Be prepared to discuss your main attributes and values in detail and provide specific examples to problems or work tasks you have solved or contributed toward. Tailor these answers to the traits you know the employer is keen on having done your research! It is healthy and positive to feel good about yourself. Be confident and back yourself up!

If you have a disability, illness or injury you may be eligible to receive free, one on one support to help you find work. Discover how STEPS can support you on your employment pathway call us on  1300 078 377

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