
“I feel valued again”: Kelly finds a rewarding role

One of the less discussed benefits of securing a role is how valued it makes a person feel. When job hunting, especially if doing so for a long time, it can become easy to become disheartened.

This was Kelly’s experience when job hunting, until she came into contact with STEPS Employment Solutions.

After a short time with her STEPS Employment Solutions Partner, Susan Maclean, Kelly was able to secure her “perfect” role and “feel valued again”.

“The best part about having a job is the reward of being needed and appreciated,” Kelly shared.

Kelly hopes that her success will help give others hope that, with the right help, they too can secure a role that is right for them.

“It may be disheartening when you can’t seem to find the ideal job that fits your lifestyle, we all feel like that at some stage in our lives, I would say to keep searching… because when you least expect it, you will find that perfect fit.”

Beyond Kelly finding the perfect role, it appears that Kelly’s employer has had a similarly wonderful experience.

“In my job, I hire, train and work with hundreds of people; it’s really rare to find someone with the same work ethic and positive qualities as Kelly,” Kelly’s employer shared.

“We are so privileged to have found her through STEPS Employment Solutions.”

A large part of the positive experience by both Kelly and her employer has also been credited to the long term and in-depth support provided by STEPS.

“From the beginning, Susan was so kind, empathetic, professional and understanding to my situation,” Kelly said.

“I felt like I could be myself and speak my mind to her at all times.

“She was always ready to lend an ear, give sound advice when I needed it and nudged me in the right direction when I was unsure of things.

“Thanks to STEPS for helping me out when I found myself needing support for the first time in my life, I will always be grateful.”

If you or someone you know is looking for help in finding your perfect job, STEPS Employment Solutions is here to help you. Contact us on 1300 078 377 or email us at enquiries@stepsgroup.com.au

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