
7 steps to finding a job

Gaining employment and going to a job you enjoy each day can be an amazing process and a fulfilling part of life. Finding a job, on the other hand, can be a daunting experience as there are many facets to successful job seeking. However, by breaking the process down into the seven steps below, you may find the path to finding work less daunting and more manageable.

1. List your strengths

Begin by creating a list of your strengths, your interests and your skills. Not only will this help you to develop your resume, but it will help to narrow your job search to areas that you find the most relevant and most engaging.

2. Identify your dream job

Ask yourself the question “if I could have any job in the world, what would it be?”. Answering this question, in writing, gives you a starting point for your search for a job. You should also consider answering the question “what jobs would I be willing to do?” and “what jobs will help me reach my dream job?”.

3. Write your resume

Begin by reading articles such as “how do I write a resume?” (https://www.stepsemploymentsolutions.com.au/i-want-a-job/tips-and-tools/how-do-i-write-a-resume/). After reading the article, use the list of strengths and interests you created in step one to write a draft. Edit and proofread your draft to ensure the grammar and spelling are correct. Ask a friend or relative to read your draft and give you feedback. Based on the feedback you receive, re-read and re-edit your draft and create the final resume.

4. Create a cover letter

Once you have created your resume, it is time to create the cover letter. Before you begin writing, read an article such as “How do I write a cover letter?” (https://www.stepsemploymentsolutions.com.au/i-want-a-job/tips-and-tools/how-do-i-write-a-cover-letter-for-a-job/). As with your resume, you should edit and proofread a draft and seek feedback before creating the final cover letter.

5. Define your geographic area

A key, yet often overlooked, component to looking for a job is using online tools to identify the area in which you would comfortably be able to travel to, whether by car, public transport or by foot. This will help you identify the geographic location in which you can work, before applying for jobs in areas that are of interest.

6. Apply for multiple roles

You are more likely to have success in finding a job if you apply for multiple roles. This process may seem like a lot of work, but each job description you read and each cover letter you write will help you to further refine your areas of interest as well as potentially exposing you to opportunities you previously had not thought of.

7. Practice before the interview

After reading articles such as “11 top tips for a great job interview” (https://www.stepsemploymentsolutions.com.au/i-want-a-job/tips-and-tools/11-top-tips-for-great-interviews/) and “how to prepare for interview question” (https://www.stepsemploymentsolutions.com.au/i-want-a-job/tips-and-tools/how-to-prepare-for-interview-questions/), ask a family member or friend to hold a mock interview with you. This will enable you to become comfortable and confident in answering interview questions. You may also wish to tape these practice interviews so that you can review them and work on your technique.

If you have been successful for an interview, but not successful in gaining the position, ask the chief interviewer or HR department for feedback. Use the feedback as you prepare for your next interview.

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